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Some Of The New Trends For Web Design For 2014

By Sher Adam

The online platform continues to change day in day out most notably in the web design niche. Most web designers today have deviated from normal and basic web design, and are employing new and trending tactics to increase usability and web efficiency. This has been propelled by the wake of smartphones and other handheld devices, new web design trends of 2014 have taken a new twist as discussed below.

One thing that will be happening that is new will take place in the fonts area, as everyone is experimenting with new, more exciting fonts. One group call it looking or fonts with personality. The idea is to have fonts say more than just words, but to convey the idea with the shape, size and color of the fonts.

Image Captions: Although content continues to rule in the web design industry, many designers today use it alongside image captions. They believe that image captions enhance an audience's understanding on any written text within the website. Moreover, imagery has been endorsed by Google in its attempt to increase web efficiency and relevance. 2014 is the year you will see most websites using image caption effects to attract more audiences.

The mobile devices will now be asking for emails, integrating with social media, sites will be faster loading and fast scrolling will help make the mobile sites more enjoyable and functional. There will be many more video presentations in 2014, with the thought of "Why read it when you can watch it?' With a mobile device, it will be easier to watch a video than read the fine print.

Although the above discussed elements are the most eminent in web design 2014, some aspects such as the use of personal portraits as website portfolio is slowly gaining popularity. All the new trends in use today are directed to ease accessibility of websites through hand held devices.

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